Cheng Fu (傅 成)

Hi, I am a software engineer working at Google. My job is to make LLMs (e.g. Gemini, Bard) run more efficiently on ML system (TPUs).

Before joining Google, I received my PhD in Computer Science at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). My advisor is Prof. Jishen Zhao. My research lies at the intersection of machine learning (ML), computer architecture, and security. I received my Master Degree in University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, advised by Prof. Hun-Seok Kim. I used to interned two times at Facebook AI Research (FAIR), supervised by Yuandong Tian and Prof. Hugh Leather.

Feel free to contact me via email.

Research Interest

I am currently working on the following topics:

  • LLM and computer system co-design
  • Efficient Machine Learning Algorithms for Harware-efficiency

Work experiences

  • Summer 2018: Research Intern
    • Iluvatar CoreX, San Jose
  • Summer 2019: External Research Collaborator
    • Facebook AI research, Menlo Park
  • Summer 2020: Research Intern
    • Alibaba Cloud Computing Group, Seattle
  • Summer 2021: Research Intern
    • Facebook AI research (Remote)
  • Summer 2022: Research Intern
    • Google, Sunnyvale
  • Fall 2023 till now: Software Engineer
    • Google, Sunnyvale